CREDIT BOND FINANCE & SECURITY Subject : Acknowledge Receipt

TEL: +447045741564
Fax: +447005961408


We are Diplomats that arrange for the safekeeping of special and valuable packages and baggage in trust
for reputable clients that are honest and trustworthy. We work in collaboration with top firms and Governments
of various countries as we have earned a name as a service whose hallmarks in reliability and confidentiality
are revered. International missions, Fellow Diplomats and Embassies of the world have used our services to

A benefactor whose identity can not be disclosed because of the Non Circumvention and Non Disclosure
Agreement that was signed with the said benefactor when the funds were being deposited, made you the
beneficiary of a package containing some amount of money and stated clearly that you should only be
contacted when the time signed for it to be in our care elapses and the time has already elapsed that is why
you are being contacted.

The Non Circumvention and Non Disclosure Agreement signed with the benefactor mandates us to fully divulge
and disclose the benefactor's identity 18 months after you, the beneficiary, has received the funds.

The funds totals $7.5M (Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars) and we confirm that these funds are
fully free of any liens, or encumbrances and are clean, clear and non-criminal origin and are available in the form
of CASH.

You are hereby advised to reconfirm your Full Contact Information for verification with information contained in our
computer database as well as other relevant information in the format stated below so that the funds would be
arranged to be brought to your Country of residence by Diplomats who would accompany you to your bank (if you want them to)
to deposit the funds in your name and submit all documentations of proof of the origin of the funds in other to exonerate you from
any form of investigations or interrogation and to authenticate the fact that the funds are clean and has no links whatsoever with
either drugs or terrorism.

The Requested Information is to ensure that no mistake or error is made and it should be forwarded in the manner stated below:

Your Full Name: ______________________________

Your Complete Address (Physical Address with Zip Code not P.O.BOX) :

Name of your Country: ____________________

Name of City of Residence: ____________________

Name of Closest Airport to City of Residence:___________________________

Your Age:_______________________________

Your Occupation:__________________________

Direct Telephone Number:______________________________

Mobile Number:_______________________________________________

Fax Number:______________________________________________________

The Contact Numbers are very necessary because the number would be called by the Diplomats before the funds would be
handed over to you so as to ensure that the package is handed over to the right person.

So, its mandatory you send your Direct Telephone Number preferably your Mobile or Cell Phone Number.

Congratulations in advance.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Dr. Edward Walter
Notification Officer.


Anonymous said...

Wish I had seen this SCAM news a lot earlier. B

Anonymous said...

I don't know about this but all I have to say is thankyou! if I never have seen this I would have probably been scammed thank you again (whoever post the scam news )!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you I have seen this Scam news before they try to fool me. Thanks so much...

Anonymous said...

i been told i had a cashiers check being sent to me for my fiancee but it got sent to wrong address and she showed me a copy of the certificate and it showed this company on it did a check and saw this article so i am out of over $7000 over 4 year period

Anonymous said...

Well a big clue might have been the misspelling of Wharf, come on whart? on an 'official' document. A new scam is an heiress of some sort or another. No direct communication until they want money from you and they you get voice calls. There are picture taking devices available and no skype, WhatsApp or other visual references. The woman is never available to meet face to face, oh, unless you send money for a plane ticket of course. Watch out for stolen pics, even passports can be used! Of course any documentation required to set up this inheritance is in some 3rd world cesspool and the heiress must travel to get there requiring of course more money. This one came up with a lawyer, yeah right. Address in Texas, cell phone from Missouri. The Heiress was from Gatineau Que, had a cell from Florida and didn't even get her home address correct. Then I got the certificate of 'wealth' proving the funds were deposited. LOl, from where else but your friendly neighbourhood credit, bond, finance house at #1 Canada place on Canary wharf. A double lol, because I've been there. Enough time spent.


I´m having the same contact from Syria. I´m checking using imgs and searching about informations. They want 3.000 dólars to send me a cash box in Brazil. Tks for informations guys. Marcos João de Souza, São Paulo, Brazil.

Amelia said...

Hi Marcos when they ask about money?and did they ask u about full name and full address?

Unknown said...

Iwas contacted by a woman on facebook asking for my help as she is in a refugee camp in Ghana and her late father had deposited the sum of $12.5million USD with the aforementioned company and she would give me 40percent if I could assist her in getting out of the refugee camp she emailed me documents held by Credit Bond Finance and Security same address as aforementioned but all along I was suspicious and very cautious, the thing that I can't explain is this young woman sent me a photo that I requested showing her holding up a piece of paper with my name on it and you could clearly see that she was in a refugee camp. can anyone please explain this to me Cheers Tony Mchugh

Anonymous said...

There is a guy asking my fullname, address and my email. He said he will send money me as its the easier way to secure his money .He is US military and he is in Iraq for mission. Please help me for this situation. Looking forward to your reply

Unknown said...

Soy ama de casa, no he trabajado desde mi vida, porque mi difunto esposo era industrial y también empresario petrolero antes de ser asesinado el mismo día con mi padre cuando regresaba de una reunión de negocios en Damasco, Siria.
Vivir en los EE. UU. Es realmente difícil debido a la prohibición de viajes del presidente Trump a las personas de Siria. Solicito su consentimiento para invertir en México si solo me acepta a mí y a mis hijos
Le doy la bienvenida, querida, quiero informarle que estamos viviendo una situación difícil por el hecho de vivir en los EE. UU. El temor a ser deportados por inmigración, por lo que tengo un plan para mudarme a su país si solo me ayudan a mí ya mis hijos con mi difunto esposo. Fondo / oro depositado en Credit Bond Finance & Securities en Siria.
Debido a la guerra en curso en Siria, no estamos seguros de viajar de regreso a Siria, el miedo a la muerte por parte del soldado rebelde, los asesinatos de personas todos los días, principalmente mujeres y niños, aprovecho esta oportunidad para solicitar su asistencia en una empresa comercial que deseo Pasar de Siria a tu país para invertir.

Contactaron por citas de mexico la misma estafa

Unknown said...

Me contactó una mujer de igual manera pidiendo ayuda y me dijo que me daría el 30% de la cantidad que me enviaría..... Gracias por la noticia

Unknown said...

A mí contacto una mujer de Siria a quien supuestamente ayudaría a radicarse acá en Argentina. Y me envía dos cajas por esta empresa la cual contiene 4,2 millones de dólares. En teoría las cajas están en Argentina y para entregarme las debo pagar en la aduana 2000 dólares. Y todo un montón de contactos por mensager. Declarando la situación allá de la guerra. Aún no he pagado nada pero cada día insiste más y más.

Unknown said...

Attn: Tiago,

Suas duas caixas registradas chegaram ao ponto do avião de carga hoje e foram registradas sob o código do formulário de liberação do Reino Unido / ONU do ato 104 ^ / 06, sua caixa de remessa será acompanhada pelo oficial de entregas (Diplomata Alfred Jones) em trânsito para Soa Paulo.

O formulário de liberação da nação unida foi emitido em seu nome e país para proteger a entrega de suas caixas ao Brasil, das quais suas caixas estavam cobertas por apólice de seguro para evitar a inspeção de suas caixas pela autoridade alfandegária do Brasil e também para evitar o desvio de suas caixas registradas por alguns funcionários corruptos.
Esteja informado, você vai pagar taxas de desembaraço aduaneiro no Brasil quando o agente de entrega (Sr.Alfred Jones) chegar em Soa Paulo Amanhã 04/09/2021 de abril.

Você é obrigado a pagar taxas de desembaraço à alfândega em São Paulo imediatamente o agente de entrega entre em contato com você por telefone, porque a autoridade alfandegária de São Paulo não permitirá que você ou o agente retire a caixa sem pagar suas despesas de liberação.

No entanto, o agente de entrega (Sr. Alfred Jones) entrará em contato com você por telefone para informá-lo do valor real imediatamente após falar com a autoridade alfandegária em São Paulo Amanhã, que você enviará o dinheiro para ele no aeroporto para pagar as taxas alfandegárias e retirar as caixas e continue a entrega no endereço residencial do seu estado.

Seu documento de fatura de transporte aéreo é anexado e lacrado sob a ordem de imunidade da lei diplomática, até que suas caixas cheguem em seu endereço residencial Amanhã.

Espere sua resposta em breve
Milton Brown


This blog is created due to the increase of the scam letter spreading around the Internet, this is the only way to inform people who are seeking for help in order to prove the letter of there emails are original and not from the letter of scammer.